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Plätze reservieren So., 5.2. 20:00 Uhr

Kongero bietet Workshop im Kanapee!!! So 5.2 13 Uhr!


Kongero, Swedish Folk’appella Ensemble
mit 4 brillanten Stimmen; natürlich, balsamischwarm, powervoll & eindringlich.
Kongero tourte durch die ganze Welt (Europa, Nordamerika und Asien) und veröffentlichte fünf Studioalben: „Om Mikaelidagen“ im Jahr 2008, „Bakvända världen“ im Jahr 2011, „no. 3“ im Jahr 2014, „KOM“ im Jahr 2017 und eine Kollaborations-CD mit Massivet im Jahr 2018. Im Sommer 2021 veröffentlichten sie ihr erstes Live-Album „Live in Longueuil“. Ihre Musik wurde gesampelt, erschien in Filmproduktionen, auf einem Naxos-Gold-Compilation-Album etc.
Die Musik des Quartetts ist eine Streicheleinheit für die Seele,
sympathisch, natürlich, authentisch & auf hohem Niveau!

Kongero bietet Workshop im Kanapee!!! Termin wird bekanntgemacht.






Kongero is a highly esteemed, world touring Swedish Folk’appella group singing powerful, evocative, haunting music. A concert with Kongero will take the listener on a fabulous journey, an all-embracing Scandinavian folk music experience. Amazing vocal polyphony, groovy, and powerful. We released our 6th album „Live in Longueuil“ in the summer of 2021 and it’s been so well-received!
Live videos: https://kongero.se/musik/video/

In our workshops we teach songs and tunes in 2- to 5-part harmony – all by ear. We work and experiment with genre specific sounds, grooves, articulation, improvisation, and ornaments. You will get tips and feed-back on vocal technique, intonation, tools for improving your singing together, basic arranging ideas, and we always have a lovely and fun time singing.

The four Kongero singers are all skilled and experienced workshop leaders. Two of us are educated vocal teachers and hold university degrees in singing and vocal technique. We have released two Song Books with the songs and arrangements we teach, and a third is on its way.

For more information about our workshops: http://kongero.se/workshops/


The Members:
Lotta Andersson sang before she could walk and she soon joined the Sundsvall Girls Choir. She started playing the fiddle at music school, and at the age of 13 went to a fiddle camp where she found her true passion for traditional music. She holds degrees in singing, fiddle and traditional dancing after her studies at Malung Folk Music College, Falun Academy of Music and The Royal College of Music in Stockholm. In addition to singing with Kongero, she is the front figure of Swedish folk band Mission Melpa, conducts workshops with both voice and fiddle, and works with some of the foremost Swedish folk musicians.
Emma Björling has been singing in choirs since the age of six, and studying both jazz and classical music before following her heart back to the traditional music that she first heard her grandfather play on the fiddle. She holds university degrees in
traditional Swedish music from The Royal College of Music in Stockholm, and voice pedagogy, music theory and ensemble teaching from Ingesund College of Music. Besides singing with Kongero, Emma teaches at a folk music college, is a sought after guest teacher at colleges and universities, conducts workshops in traditional Swedish music (irl and online), writes
arrangements for choirs and vocal groups all over the world, and is a member of the groups LYY, Skye Consort, Lagerkvist, and
Svensk Folkejul.
Sofia Hultqvist Kott grew up in a house full of music and art located at the end of all roads, by the gorgeous Anaris Mountains close to the Norwegian border. The landscape naturally influences her expression and is an infinite source of inspiration. Sofia found further joy in traditional music through youth folk camps in Norway, and music studies at High school and Framnäs College of Music led Sofia to further education at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm. She also sings in various constellations such as folk trio Kalejdoskop and in an ambient electronica folk duo with renowned producer Outby16.
Anna Wikenius grew up in a rural village outside Sandviken, started playing the piano at the age of 10 and continued to sing, play and dance throughout Musical High School. She has studied classical music, jazz, pop/rock, Swedish traditional music and
she holds university degrees in traditional Swedish music from The Royal College of Music in Stockholm and voice pedagogy and ensemble teaching from The Department of Music and Media in Piteå. Anna now lives in Stockholm and works at the Royal College of Music as the Director of studies. Besides Kongero, she sings in the Swedish/Finnish folk band Folk



Press and voices about Kongero:

“There are a capella groups, and then there’s Kongero. The quartet of Swedish women create wonderfully crisp, pure music on Live in Longueuil, recorded on tour in Canada in 2019. It’s a celebration of the band’s 15 years together, and my, my, what a birthday present for anyone with ears to hear. On a mix of traditional and self-composed pieces, they shine with a crystalline brilliance”
– Chris Nickson, RootsWorld USA, 2021.  Full review: https://www.rootsworld.com/reviews/kongero-21.shtml


”The harmony singing is, as always, bravely virtuoso, clean and tight, full of tension releasing into lovely harmonies… The captivating and unique arrangements are all written by the Kongero members, mostly by Emma Björling and Anna Wikenius, who both also write original music in the same folk style for the band.
– Alexandra Ullsten, Lira Musikmagasin 2021. Full review:      https://www.lira.se/skivrecension/live-in-longeuil/


„This group is a revelation. The beauty of the four voices is equaled only by the pristine, flawless arrangements. They provide a stunning example of a marriage between the traditional and the innovative. This magical Swedish music very much deserves to be heard far and wide.“
– Jeff Meshel, International music journalist


“Terrific. Like camping out in a Swedish forest and hearing tales of joy, love, sadness, errant cattle, Estonian islands & too many beers. KONGERO made the audience’s heart sing with their soaring, blended vocal dexterity and charm.”
– Adrian Mealing, UK Touring


„We had these ladies to kick off our Sol European Forum, they really owned the crowd, beautiful!“
–  Paul Van Nobelen, event planner, the Netherlands


”These guys were awesome! Kongero, from Sweden! Fantastic close harmonies that brought me to tears, suspended semi- and quartertones that made my bones vibrate, and polyrhythms from Kongero balanced my brain hemispheres.”
– Natalie Windsor, the UK


„The harmonies are effortlessly natural, the voices all gorgeously clear, and the arrangements deliciously complex.”
– Chris Nickson, Singout

”Kongero – a brilliant, vivacious all-female quartet of young Swedish singers. Powerful, evocative, haunting music.”
– Leith Folk Club, the UK

Kongero Folk’Appella “… and my, my, what a birthday present for anyone with ears to hear. On a mix of traditional and self-composed pieces, they shine with a crystalline brilliance.”Chris Nickson RootsWorld USA, 2021




Kongero führt Workshops für kleine oder große Sängergruppen durch, bisher von 4 bis 120 Personen. Von 1,5 Stunden bis hin zu einwöchigen Camps und Kursen. Wir veranstalten Meisterkurse mit Chören und Gesangsgruppen sowie offene Workshops für alle Sänger, die neugierig auf die schwedische Folk’appella sind. Wir unterrichten auch das Arrangieren von Musik für Chöre und Vokalensembles auf grundlegendem bis fortgeschrittenem Niveau. Wir unterrichten Lieder und Melodien in 2- bis 5-stimmiger Harmonie – alles nach Gehör. Wir arbeiten und experimentieren mit genrespezifischen Sounds, Grooves, Artikulation, Improvisation und Ornamenten.

